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Audio Sales

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Lighting Sales

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LED Screen Sales

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Afrikes Group  

Thank you for visiting us, and for your interest in the history of Afrikes Group.

The company was created by our CEO Berlin S Samo an Electronics Engineer with a wealth of experience within the professional Audio and MI industry.


 Founded in 2021, Afrikes Group is a professional MI entity on its own, our CEO, an Electronics Engineer who spent his whole life in professional live music productions all around the world, is a passionate

pro audio system engineer with well over 24 years of experience and based in the United Kingdom, however, has decided to bring the expertise acquired all these years in the western world to his native country Cameroon in particular with the aim to cover the whole of Central Africa in General.


Afrikes Group Specialises in the sales, and installation of high-end equipment of professional Audio /Lighting/Staging and special effects Gear for the entertainment industry including television clubs, venues, houses of worship and Theatres.


We only focus on high-end customers with discerning tastes.

The Company has a team of high academics and technically ready people, who are always prepared to learn in order to produce services of the highest quality.

The company premises based in Yaounde’ Entree Maetur Mimboman Nkolo II, comprise Sales, installation and technical support including repairs of professional Audio/Lighting equipment to factory preset, and a completely separate Production entity.


We represent many professional Audio /Lighting companies such as :

  • RCF in Italy

  • Digico Consoles in England

  • Proel in Italy 

  • Connector distributions and Switzerland 


The company has 8 employees at the moment of its creation, of these, all technical staff have successfully passed their Harman Pro Installed Audio Basic/Core Curriculum exams which is a pre-requisite condition to landing a position in our technical department.

As to the future direction that the company plans to follow, we are fully committed to producing not only extremely high-standard African technical expertise but we intend to

our commitment to impacting the region with the familiarity of professional Audio gear, and knowledge.

With a wealth of experience within the Public Address evacuation system, we have been privileged to complete many projects including the Olember Stadium situated in Cameroon, central Africa and many more, we crave to bring international standards to Africa as a whole.

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